Recruiting - "Now Hiring"

Now Hiring – Recruiting, Staffing & Retention

Always Be Recruiting!

Every Monday

Todd and shop owners

Are you struggling with finding and keeping the right employees for your automotive shop? Don't believe what you've heard about a technician shortage. There is no shortage, you just don't know how to find them. YET! 

Now Hiring is a highly effective program that will teach you the proven methods used to hire and retain over 100 team members at the nation's most successful independent repair business.

This program is meticulously crafted to help shop owners and managers like you hire and retain the top talent in your community.

Sign up today!

3 Key Takeaways

In essence, this course will empower you with a comprehensive understanding of the entire recruitment lifecycle, enabling you to build a strong, talented team for your auto repair business.

Effective Hiring Strategy

This course will provide you with the ability to formulate and implement a highly effective hiring strategy. This includes understanding how to analyze your shop from a recruiting perspective, creating focused job descriptions, and defining clear hiring criteria.

Skillful Candidate Evaluation

Mastering the process of candidate evaluation. Create results-oriented advertisements, effectively screen applicants, and make informed selection decisions based on well-designed pre-interview questionnaires and one-on-one interviews.

Successful Team Retention

This course will equip you with the skills needed to retain top talent. You will learn how to design and execute success-driven 90-day performance plans and reviews for new hires, setting them up for success and fostering long-term loyalty.

What you'll learn

Designed in response to the pressing needs of the auto repair industry, this course aims to enhance your confidence and competence in the recruiting and interviewing process. With practical insights drawn from successful shops across the country, the training format showcases proven strategies that are easy to implement.

Upon completion, you'll be well-equipped to:

  • ​Analyze your shop from a recruiting perspective
  • ​Create focused job descriptions that link to well-defined hiring criteria
  • ​Use your hiring criteria to create results-oriented advertising
  • ​Screen candidates effectively
  • ​Write and evaluate responses to pre-interview questionnaires
  • ​Conduct effective one-on-one interviews
  • ​Make informed selection decisions
  • ​Develop success-driven 90-day performance plans and reviews for new hires
Todd & shop owners

Always Be Recruiting

Always Be Recruiting (ABR) isn't about constantly hiring but about maintaining a strategic, proactive approach to sourcing talent. This strategy can save time, reduce costs, and improve the quality of your hires, contributing significantly to your business's success.

The concept of Always Be Recruiting is pivotal for any business, not just auto repair shops, for several reasons:

  • Talent Pool: By continually recruiting, you'll create a pool of potential candidates ready for when a vacancy opens. This helps to reduce the time it takes to fill a position, minimizing any negative impacts on productivity.
  • ​Market Awareness: Consistent recruiting activities keep you informed about the talent market. You'll gain insights into prevailing wage rates, skill sets in demand, and the availability of talent, which can inform your hiring strategies and decision-making.
  • ​Brand Awareness: Regular recruitment efforts enhance your company's visibility and reputation in the job market, making it easier to attract high-quality candidates when you need to fill positions.
  • ​Future Growth: Even if you're fully staffed, you never know when you'll need to scale up rapidly due to sudden growth or unforeseen circumstances. Having a pipeline of potential candidates ensures you're prepared for these situations.
  • ​Employee Turnover: Staff turnover is a reality of business. People might leave due to retirement, better opportunities, or personal reasons. By always recruiting, you'll be better prepared to fill vacancies quickly and smoothly.
  • ​Culture Fit: When you're not in urgent need to fill a position, you can take the time to find candidates who are a strong cultural fit for your company, which can improve team cohesion and productivity in the long term.​
Todd & shop owners
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